Project Structure

This page provides a high-level overview of the structure of the Linesight repository.

Repository Overview

The repository is organized into the following directories:

  • config_files/: Contains configuration files for the project overall, and for AI runs.

  • maps/: Contains reference trajectories used to train on each map.

  • save/: Contains saved model checkpoints.

  • scripts/: Contains scripts for training, and general interaction with the game.

  • tensorboard/: Contains tensorboard logs.

  • trackmania_rl/: Contains the main project code.


The config_files/ folder contains four files that are used to configure the project:

  • This file contains the configuration for a training run. It includes parameters such as the size of the replay buffer, the learning rate, and the reward function.

  • This file is a copy of created at the beginning of each training run. See the docstring at the top of the file for explanations on how/why this file exists.

  • This file defines the set of valid inputs that the agent can take. Each input is a dictionary that specifies the state of the agent’s keys (left, right, accelerate, brake).

  • This file defines the normalization parameters for the agent’s state. The state is normalized by subtracting the mean and dividing by the standard deviation, using the values defined in this file.

  • This file contains user-level configuration. It is expected that the user fills this file once when setting up the project, and does not need to modify it after. It includes parameters such as the username of the TMNF account and the path to the TMInterface plugin.


The maps/ folder contains {map}.npy files which define a reference trajectory for a given map. These are binary dumps of numpy arrays of shape (N, 3) with N the number of virtual checkpoints along the reference line. Virtual checkpoints are spaced evenly every 50cm (config.distance_between_checkpoints).


The save/ folder contains information collected during training.

  • save/{run_name}/weights1.torch and weights2.torch and scaler.torch and optimizer1.torch are checkpoints containing the latest version of the neural network.

  • save/{run_name}/accumulated_stats.joblib a dictionary containing various stats for this run (number of frames, number of batches, training duration, best racing time, etc…)

  • save/{run_name}/best_runs/{map_name}_{time}/ contains a backup copy of the training hyperparameters used for this run.

  • save/{run_name}/best_runs/{map_name}_{time}/{map_name}_{time}.inputs is a text file that contains the inputs to replay that run. It can be loaded in the TMInterface in-game console.

  • save/{run_name}/best_runs/{map_name}_{time}/q_values.joblib is a joblib dump of q_values expected by the agent during the run. They are typically used to produce the visual input widget in trackmania_rl.run_to_video.make_widget_video_from_q_values()

  • save/{run_name}/best_runs/weights1.torch and weights2.torch and scaler.torch and optimizer1.torch are checkpoints saved anytime the agent improves its personal best.

When the script scripts/ is launched, it attempts to load the checkpoint saved in save/{run_name}/. To resume training from a given checkpoint, paste the *.torch files in save/{run_name}.


The scripts/ folder contains the training script as well as various utility scripts to interact with the game. Each script is documented with a docstring explaining its purpose and usage in the first few lines.


The tensorboard/ folder contains tensorboard logs for all runs.


The trackmania_rl/ folder contains the core project code, which is intended to be imported and utilized within scripts rather than executed directly. We’ve documented the key modules, classes, and functions in the code, and we encourage developers who wish to get a comprehensive understanding of the project to read the docstrings directly in the codebase.

The main modules are listed here:

  • agents/: Contains implementations of reinforcement learning agents. Currently contains only, but has contained various agents such as DDQN or SAC-Discrete.

  • Implements fill_buffer_from_rollout_with_n_steps_rule(), the function that creates and stores transitions in a replay buffer given a rollout_results object provided by the method GameInstanceManager.rollout().

  • Implements buffer_collate_function(), used to customize torchrl’s ReplayBuffer.sample() method. The most important customization is our implementation of mini-races, a trick to define Q values as the expected sum of undiscounted rewards in the next 7 seconds.

  • experience_replay/ Defines the structure of transitions stored in a ReplayBuffer.

  • multiprocess/ Implements the behavior of a single process that handles a game instance, and feeds rollout_results objects to the learner process. Multiple collector processes may run in parallel.

  • multiprocess/ Implements the behavior of the (unique) learner process. It receives rollout_results objects from collector_processes, via a multiprocessing.Queue object. It sends updated neural network weights to collector processes weights torch.nn.Module.share_memory()

  • tmi_interaction/ This file implements the main logic to interact with the game, via the GameInstanceManager class. There is a lot of legacy code, implemented when only TMInterface 1.4.3 was available.

  • tmi_interaction/ Implements the TMInterface class. It is designed to (mostly) reproduce the original Python client provided by Donadigo to communicate with TMInterface 1.4.3 via memory-mapping.

In addition to the modules described above, the project includes several other modules that provide supplementary functionality.