Game stuck on login screen:
The TMNF account must be an online account. If your account is offline:
Start the game without TMInterface and create an online account
Set your username to that account in
Linux installation checklist: This list is not exhaustive. It contains the main setup steps the authors use on their machine. It may need to be adapted for your own machine.
Update winehq-staging
Download Steam. Install TMNF from Steam
Check that the game can be launched with wine TmForever.exe from the installation directory
Download the ModLoader zip file, made available on Tomashu’s website for linux setups
wine TMLoader.exe to configure the default profile
Check that the game runs with: wine ~/path/to/TMLoader-win32/TMLoader.exe run TmForever “default” /configstring=”set custom_port 8483”
Modify in the repository with the path to ModLoader on your system
Install winetricks. Apply winetricks dxvk for performance.
Missing OpenAL32.dll
Install OpenAL with wine.